Winter sleep

Winter sleep 2023 Digital illustration
Trying to be normal

Trying to be normal 2023 Digital illustration ”Trying to be normal” is a short comic I made about the internal struggles. The comic can also be seen on Lumi Posibile, an online platform that centers on speculative fiction.
Places to grow

Places to grow 2023 Digital illustration, printed on T-shirts T-shirt’s design made in collaboration with OKO, a sustainable clothing brand.
În căutarea primăverii

În căutarea primăverii, children’s book 2023 Digital illustrations “În căutarea primăverii” is a children’s book written by Iulian Băzărea. The illustrations are digitally drawn in Procreate. The book can be purchased here.
Summer days

Summer days 2023 Digital illustration
Being cured but no longer being youself

Being cured but no longer being youself, editorial illustration 2023 Digital illustration Editorial illustration made for AnthroArt platform. You can read the article written by Jonathan Stillo here.